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Artist news


April 27 to June 27, 2024

Galerie 8+4

13, rue d’Alexandrie, 75002 Paris


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Press release

For his second solo exhibition at the 8+4 gallery, Lionel Sabatté deploys an unprecedented work, the result of long research, with a view to reinventing the image itself, through iconoclastic practices using the techniques of the multiple to produce singular works, from one copy to another. If a body of work leads him to reinvent the notion of photography, imprints or engraving, a new stage leads him to question the practice of weaving to reveal its full pictorial potential. The whole is placed under the sign of the living, nature, the sea or, as he likes to say, “inventing a new zoocenosis”. If, from a scientific point of view, zoocenosis refers to the ecological concept of a living, natural and interdependent animal community, this is indeed a work whose creations, resulting from cross-experiments and varied, constitute the singular biotope of the artist, from which his fantastic universe escapes…

The exhibition will present several works from the Dustography series, as well as from the new Peaches series, with a set of small dust engravings. In total, some thirty previously unpublished works on paper will be unveiled alongside the artist’s first tapestry edition.

May 21, 2024 at 7 p.m.: Signing meeting with Yannick Mercoyrol on the occasion of the release of his book Knacker. Paths of Lionel Sabatté, published by Bernard Chauveau.



Lionel Sabatté , Pêche, 2024, monotype 1/2 Oil spill tar, oil and pigment on paper © Courtesy of the artist and Galerie 8+4