Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 

“zone franche”, Chourouk Hriech presented at the Institute of Cultures of Islam


Vue d'expostiion, Et des échelles pour les oiseaux, 2020
Vue d'expostiion, Et des échelles pour les oiseaux, 2020

03/02/21 - 01/08/2021

Institut des cultures d'Islam

19 Rue Léon, 75018 Paris

01 53 09 99 84

Press release

From February 3 to August 1, 2021, the Institute of Cultures of Islam presents, in partnership with Think Tangier and Doual’art, the exhibition Zone Franche, organized as part of the Africa2020 Season.

Zone Franche is a collective adventure, the result of a meeting between three artistic structures located in Cameroon, Morocco and France, driven by the same desire to interact with the urban ecosystems that saw them born. Based on the testimonies of many local creators and experts, Doual’art, Think Tangier and ICI have co-created an exhibition in the form of an autonomous poetic and symbolic space. In contrast to the enclave it usually designates, this Free Zone explores the movement of travelers, goods and imaginations across material or invisible boundaries.

With Zone Franche, the ICI is Africa2020 Headquarters. On this occasion, it hosts an exhibition and a whole multidisciplinary program for six months in the spirit of a small temporary pan-African cultural center.

Fifty concerts, live shows, films, lectures, storytelling, film-tasters, activities for young audiences, workshops on artistic practice and thematic tours of the Goutte d’Or honour the artists of the African continent and their view of the world.

And from February, the restaurant La Table Ouverte will offer its family cuisine with Maghreb flavours, and an ephemeral and musical bar will ambience from May on the sunny patio of the ICI.

Stephanie Chazalon, Executive Director of the Institute of Cultures of Islam


Artists on display: Mariam Abouzid Souali, Mohamed Arejdal, Malala Andrialavidrazana, Sabrina Belouaar, Mansour Ciss, Saïdou Dicko, Hicham Gardaf, Chourouk Hriech, Smaïl Kanouté, Le Cercle Kapsiki, Salifou Lindou, Randa Maroufi, Jean David Nkot and Fatiha Zemmouri