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Artist news

Le gout des mots

From 09 April to 10 July 2022

The Cédrac

1, place Pierre Gosnat — 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine

+33 (0)1 49 60 25 06

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Press release

For her first solo exhibition, Juliette Green chose to work on the themes of food and food through nine works created for the occasion. These give us stories inspired by social issues: What would change on a daily basis if we no longer needed to eat? What would our ancestors think if they were made to taste the food of the twenty-first century? How does a recipe stand the test of time?

The stories raised by these issues, all in words and drawings, unfold on supports such as paper, canvas, wood or slate. An in situ drawing is also visible on the windows of the exhibition space.
The tone of some works is light and poetic. For example, one of them tells the story of a little girl who tries to guess what flavor the clouds would have if she could taste them. In other plays, history adopts the conventions of the most rigorous scientific analysis but this seriousness is only apparent because everything is invented. This is particularly the case of a drawing that imagines the number of people needed for us to crunch in a sandwich, from the breeder to the transporter, through the veterinarian and the agricultural engineer.
If the exhibition invites us to question in depth consumption, lifestyles, transmission or globalization, it is also very accessible: the texts of the works are easy to read, so that visitors of different generations can understand them.