Ouvert tous les jours de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 

the Garden, mirror of the World


Raphaëlle Peria, Avibus et cera #4, 2021. Photographie, cire, 35,5 x 19,5 cm. Collection Château du Rivau.
Raphaëlle Peria, Avibus et cera #4, 2021. Photographie, cire, 35,5 x 19,5 cm. Collection Château du Rivau.

April 1 to November 13, 2022

Patricia Laigneau

Castle of Rivau

9, rue du château — 37120 Lémeré

+33 (0)2 47 95 77 47

Press release

From the symbolism of flowers in the Middle Ages to current issues on the well-being and preservation of the planet, the garden has always fascinated artists who wanted to inscribe the sensations inspired by the garden in Art.

About forty artists of our time reveal their vision in the exhibition “The garden, mirror of the world”. An invitation to feel the soothing power of themes related to garden art, and the ecosystems specific to gardens and to preserve, the inter-pollination between environmental movements and the gardener’s down-to-earth work.

Magritte, Mapplethorpe, RU XIAO FAN, Francesco Clémente and many international and emerging artists draw the contours of the therapeutic, cultural and nourishing space that is the garden.

Over the course of seven chapters: the floral motif, the theme of birds, Naturalia, the interior garden, the women and the garden as well as the preservation of nature, the artists decline the fascinating facets that the garden reveals.


Collective exhibition with the participation of Raphaëlle Peria and Alexandre and Florentine Lamarche-Ovize.