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The Spring of Drawing

Artist news


From March 20 to June 21, 2023

53 participants, including 16 in Île-de-France and 37 in the provinces

+33 (0)1 45 38 51 51

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Press release


Since 2007, with the launch of the Salon du dessin, Christine Phal and Carine Tissot, collectors and enthusiasts of contemporary drawing, have brought together a community of art lovers, professionals and curious people eager to support contemporary creation. By setting up Le Printemps du dessin, they want to make a great drawing festival at the national level from March to June.

The Printemps du dessin is divided into two parts: exhibitions and all actions such as workshops.

From mid-March to mid-June, we federate the drawing exhibitions that take place in institutions or art centers and all actions such as workshops, workshops, conferences and meetings between the artist and the public. Thus the medium of drawing in all its forms allows different audiences (school, prevented, etc.) to be as close as possible to artists and creation.

Participations can be made in several ways, always in connection with the different forms of contemporary drawing:

  • Workshop with an artist and/or his/her mediator
  • Conference/debate with an artist
  • Exhibition
  • Performance