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eye for eye

Artist news

Pooya Abbasian
Pooya Abbasian

From 02 June to 24 July 2022

the showcase — frac île-de-France

22, rue des Alouettes — 75019 Paris

+33 (0)1 76 21 13 41

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Press release

Each month, the showcase of the antenna (the cultural and educational space of the plateau) welcomes a new artistic project designed in connection with the exhibitions of the plateau, the collection of the frac île-de-france and its educational actions.

Pooya Abbasian is an Iranian artist who has lived in Paris since 2011. His practice combines photography, video, drawing and installation. His collaborations with directors also influence the way he considers and questions the construction, dissemination and reception of images.

For the showcase, he proposes an installation consisting of a video offering the point of view of the window of his father’s shop in Tehran on the street and a carpet designed from images of the Turkish encrypted channel Ciné5. These images are both the result of a work of research and archiving and a dream that the artist made from a memory of adolescence.

Between mental reconstruction and fantasies emerging from encrypted images, this carpet appears to him as a useless attempt to silence the images.