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(No names, but names)

9 June - 9 September 2017

ARTIST : Debora Bolsoni

Curator: Claudia Rodriguez Ponga

(No names, but names) is the title of the main installation presented during Debora Bolsoni's first monographic exhibition in France. This work consists of several drawings, which could however be equally well perceived as sculptures. And it is precisely in this formal ambiguity that the poetics of the project is rooted.. (No names, but names) allows the public to circulate among the works, whose arrangement deliberately recalls a cemetery. Each of these pieces is composed of different mediums, between "dess-tures" and "sculp-ssins", and supported by a small cart, thus playing with the idea that these tombstones could, at any moment, roll away.

This pun refers to the potential arrangement of drawn silhouettes, which actually refer to a world of objects. These objects are tools that are often underestimated, taken for granted, and exist only to be put into action. It is these entities, these presences that Debora Bolsoni invokes in her work, as a kind of extension of the human body.

Two environments complete this installation by illustrating the importance of drawing in Debora Bolsoni's artistic practice: they stage her way of interpreting drawing as a spatial work, and the importance of the silhouette as a drawn motif, as a way of bringing vibrant, material entities to life (to quote directly Jane Bennett's work, Vibrant Matter), in order to activate them, to put them in motion before our eyes.

Claudia Rodriguez Ponga, curator of the exhibition




Debora Bolsoni, (No names, but names), Drawing Lab Paris

(No name, but names), drawing on waxed cardboard and trolleys, 80 x 55 x 5 cm, 2017
Production Drawing Lab Paris
© Debora Bolsoni



THURSDAY JUNE 8TH, 2017 | 16H-22H
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Portrait Debora Bolsoni

Debora Bolsoni

In her work, Debora Bolsoni is inspired by drawing, urban planning and construction. His work revisits building materials and elements, removing them from their ordinary contexts. His works often combine drawing and construction; and it frequently engages with materials such as tiles, plugs, sewer covers, cement, sand, polystyrene or iron grids. However, the drawing precedes the work and is always present.
Debora Bolsoni holds a Master's degree in Visual Poetics from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo - ECA/USP (2014). She studied at the Parque Lage School of Visual Arts in Rio de Janeiro (1991-1993) and at the Saint Martin School of Art in London (1993). Today, she is an assistant collaborator in the Department of Visual Arts and, in this capacity, she teaches art at the University of São Paulo.
Debora Bolsoni was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1975, lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.
Portrait Claudia Rodriguez Ponga


Claudria Rodriguez Ponga (Madrid, 1982), graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain and holds a Master of Curating from Goldsmiths College, University of London. She has tangible experience in the field of the arts, having worked with the Pepe Cobo Gallery in Madrid and the Jaqueline Martins Gallery in São Paulo as well as with several cultural institutions as an independent producer.
She has published the book "Tentempié" and has organized exhibitions such as "Luz de Gas" at Mediodia Chica, Madrid (2011), the "Sir John Soane Audioguide Project" in London with Carmen Cebreros Urzaiz (2007), "Abrakadabra" with Jaqueline Martins Gallery, São Paulo (2014), as part of the ArtRio conservatory program organized by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo (2014 and 2015). She received the Curatorial Prize of C. LAB Mercosul for the exhibition project "Miniatures, models, voodoo and other political projections". She is a frequent contributor to the Spanish multimedia platform El Estado Mental. In addition, she has published essays related to her research on Arte Contexto (associated with UFRGS), ARS magazine (ECA/USP) and Forum Permanente (ECA/USP).