Ouvert tous les jours de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 

Ghost City

16 October 2017 - 11 January 2018

ARTISTS: Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil

Curator: Léa Bismuth

With the large installation Cité-Fantôme, Pia Rondé and Fabien Saleil develop a space to be approached both physically and mentally, to be crossed as a narrative, by the visitor solicited choreographically, by the movements of his body and his experience. It is an integral part of the work by activating it by its walk and its detours, to the rhythm of its steps, forking to better locate in the meanders. Thus, he becomes the actor of a space made up of glass plates assembled in a pavement fragmented on the ground, but also of plates erected as openings or dead ends. Everything is shadow and light, transparency and penumbra sculpted with projected silhouettes.
This "projection" is to be taken according to a double meaning: projection of light in the cinematographic sense of the term, like a magic lantern; but also projection of plans in the architectural sense; Between poetry and structure, wandering and fantasy. It must be understood that this is, in volume, only one and only drawing, a dream drawing as if it were an impossible framing to achieve, but nevertheless perceptible by the multiplicity of points of view of those who cross it. In other words: we are captives of a dream, the space of a lived journey.
Thus, the labyrinth and the maze, universal and archaic forms, are experienced as metaphors for a journey based on detours and sinuosities. We know well, in all cultures, the various forms of the labyrinth and its spiritual connotations, which touch on unprecedented paradoxes: an organization of chaos, a progression by slowness or regression, a constructive disorientation; and a confusion that produces meaning, the unknown, as well as knowledge.

Léa Bismuth, curator of the exhibition




Pia Rondé et Fabien Saleil, Plans, 2017
Dessin à l’eau-forte et aquatinte sur plaque de zinc, 90 cm x 70 cm. Unique 
Courtesy des artistes et Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro

Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil, Plans, 2017, etching and aquatint drawing on zinc plate, 90 cm x 70 cm
© Courtesy of the artists and Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro



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PREVIEW FRIDAY JUNE 13th, 2017 | 6 p.m.
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Portrait Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil

Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil

In 2013 Pia Rondé and Fabien Saleil were selected for Jeune création. Among the group exhibitions between 2014 and 2015: "Au-delà de l'image" at the Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro (Paris), "La légende des origines" at the Galerie Maubert (Paris), "Distances" at the Galerie LATO (Prato, Italy).

Following a three-month residency at the Bernard Boesch Museum (Le Pouliguen), they present their personal exhibition "Plongement" at the Espace Short in Nantes. Also in 2015, they obtained the support grant for artistic research from the CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques) and assistance for the first solo exhibition from the CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques).

In March 2016 took place their solo exhibition "La campagne est noire de soleil" at the Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro, Paris, curated by Léa Bismuth. In 2017 they participated in the collective exhibitions "Crystal Palace" at the Escougnou-Cetraro Gallery, Paris, "La confrérie du bois" at RURART Rouillé, "Face à l'aura" at the Centre d'art Image/Imatge d'Orthez, "Interiorities" at Labanque de Béthune.

Their exhibition project "Cité Fantôme" (curated by Léa Bismuth) has been selected by the Centre d'art Drawing Lab where it will be exhibited from October 2017 to January 2018.

The artist duo Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil, respectively born in 1986 in Grasse and born in 1983 in Ségur (live and work in Noisy-Le-Sec) and represented by Escougnou-Cetraro.



Leah Bismuth

After studying art history and philosophy at the Sorbonne, Léa Bismuth began writing for artpress in 2006. From 2013 — while continuing to collaborate with institutions such as Les Beaux-Arts de Paris, Le Fresnoy or Le BAL; and to write in exhibition catalogues — she sets up her curatorial approach by working in the areas of contact between exhibition space and writing space (for example) Rustles for Les Nouvelles Vagues du Palais de Tokyo 2013; Les Fragments de l'amour at the CAC La Traverse 2015; Documents 1929-2015 at L'URDLA Focus Résonance Biennale de Lyon 2015; Eternity by the stars at Tanneries 2017).
It was in 2016 that she made visible a vast curatorial research program at Labanque de Béthune, a trilogy of exhibitions based on the philosophical work of Georges Bataille: La Traversée des Soucis (Expenses - 2016; Interiorities - from 7 September 2017; Dizziness - September 2018).
A member of AICA and CEA, Léa Bismuth lives and works in Paris.