Ouvert tous les jours de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 

Summer cinema

28 June - 8 September 2018

On a proposal from Christine Phal, founder of the Drawing Lab and DRAWING NOW Art Fair, the members of the artistic committee invited emerging artists from the young European scene to present drawing and animation videos.

Daria de Beauvais, Sandra Hegedüs, Elsy Lahner, Philippe Piguet, as well as Christine Phal, each selected one or more artists. Seven artists with different universes were chosen to give an overview of the young contemporary creation.

This program of videos reveals the diversity and richness of contemporary drawing that never ceases to surprise. The drawing takes possession of the place by animating itself in different forms.

Thanks to this event, the Drawing Lab continues its main mission: to bring drawing out of the sheet to present prospective works.


. Proposal by Daria de Beauvais: Thomas Léon, Ecdysis (2018)
. Proposal by Sanda Hegedüs: Massinissa Selmani, Parallel Stories (2008) and Next Door! (2010)
. Proposal by Elsy Lahner: Susi Jirkuff, Ginny (2015) and David Shirley, The Artist (2012)
. Proposal by Philippe Piguet: Jérôme Allavena, Niveaux (2008) and Émergence (2007)
. Proposal by Christine Phal: Pernille Kjaer, Toby (2017) and Vincent Broquaire, Museiformes Ep. 10 (2016) and Stratum (2016)


Since their advent, new technologies have not taken long to invade the world of artistic creation. Because it is upstream of any plastic thought, drawing has obviously not escaped it and it has sometimes become videographic, sometimes animation, artists willingly discovering themselves greedy digital, as they always are of all the technical novelties that appear over time. To the exercise of video or D.A.O. – computer-aided drawing – and all subsequent applications – Photoshop, e-design, Paint, etc. -, artists are led to deal with another temporality in a relationship to support and space also other. That is to say to the surprise of which universe of creation the gaze is summoned. Whether it is narration or individual units, whether it is broadcast on a monitor or projection on a screen or on a wall, drawings that use new technologies impose on the gaze a duration revalorizing a time of the gaze that the invasion of images in our daily lives reduces to the strict minimum. Beyond any technical considerations, whatever the tools used by the artists, we could therefore say that the prerogative of this type of drawing is to reteach us to see.
To simply take the time to see.

Philippe Piguet
Historian and art critic, independent curator & member of the Drawing Lab selection committee


Image extraite de la vidéo Stratum par Vincent Broquaire

Vincent Broquaire, Stratum, 2016
HD animated film, stereo sound, 3.32 min.
© Vincent Broquaire



THURSDAY JUNE 28TH, 2018 | 6pm-9pm
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