Ouvert tous les jours de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 


Current exhibition


Tatiana Wolska

Curator: Marianne Derrien

January 24 — April 20, 2025

Tatiana Wolska’s Belladonna exhibition nestles between the political and the intimate, offering a physical and cognitive experience where drawing merges with sculpture. Witches’ plant, good or magic weed known since ancient times, Belladonna, is both the remedy and the poison reminding us that its use requires subtle handling as well as great knowledge. Through the history of this plant, the exhibition promotes proliferation and dialogue in order to unite the familiar and the strange, lightness and ardor, suggestion and claim.

Upcoming exhibitions

We Don’t Remember Our Lives Before the Age of Four

Tiffany Bouelle

May 01 - May 25, 2025

“Nous ne gardons aucun souvenir de notre vie avant l’âge de quatre” is a series of drawings that revisits childhood scenes, real or imaginary, that are inevitably erased from our memory. It explores fragments of simple happiness, fleeting and elusive, that we rediscover as adults, as amazed spectators of this fantastic theater where the generation shaping tomorrow’s society blossoms.

Previous Productions

Non-Effective Drawing

Emmanuel Béranger x Boryana Petkova

June 22 — August 24, 2024

Non-Effective Drawing is an invitation to physical and mental performance in the realization of drawing. The act of drawing is an effort, a complete investment of the body for a given time, a feat.

Previous Productions

Ito Meikyū / Wandering Thread

Boris Labbé

Curator: Judith Guez

October 11, 2024 — January 5, 2025

In this exhibition, drawing becomes volume and architecture with the central work Ito Meikyū (a word invented from a collage of two words: ito meaning “thread” and meikyu meaning “labyrinth”). The immersive and interactive work invites the viewer to immerse themselves in a large animated fresco. It presents a heterogeneous collection of drawn, animated and sound scenes, which are taken from the digital material. In a way, she recreates a subjective world (inner and outer world) in the form of a labyrinth composed of fractal architectures, inhabited by plants, objects, animals, men, women, patterns and calligraphy.

Previous Productions

Aurélie Nemours Prize 2024

Susanna Fritscher

Curator: Serge and Marie Sophie Lemoine

September 3 — 30, 2024

In 2000, Aurelie Nemours decided to create an annual prize that bears her name. The Aurelie Nemours Prize rewards any artist, regardless of his discipline, whose work pursues the rigorous and spiritual plastic quest that has been his. She wrote: “Thinking that art is a struggle against the disarray of our civilization, I firmly believe that the spiritual charge of art is the only recourse and salvation.” In 2024, the winning artist is Susanna Fritscher.

Previous Productions

The Deep Time of Rivers

Suzanne Husky

Curator: Lauranne Germond

January 26 — April 7, 2024

In the great tradition of naturalistic illustration, Suzanne Husky invites us to reconsider the deep time of rivers through the geopolitical history of alliances between humans and beavers. An epic adventure, conceived with the collaboration of the philosopher-researcher Baptiste Morizot, which teems with tasty sketches, and re-anchors us in a world vaster and more wonderful than that of human history: the great history of life.

Previous Productions


Noémie Sauve

Curator: Anne de Malleray

October 14, 2023 — January 7, 2024

For Noémie Sauve, inspiration always begins in contact with a field. This exhibition presents works from two scientific expeditions – Tara (2017) and Vulcano (2021). On site, she collects data, samples, colours and shapes. Back in the studio, by exploring multiple formats and techniques, between drawing, sculpture and chemical reactions of materials, she seeks to recreate the invisible and threatened worlds of corals or the incandescence of a volcanic stone. Noémie Sauve navigates freely and without hierarchy between the naturalistic and fantastic registers to create works that, in the mode of analogy and diversion, invite us to wonder and inquiry.

Previous Productions

Ser uma mistura, um desenho, um desejo (To be a mixture, a drawing, a desire)

Efe Godoy

April 25 — June 15, 2024

The exhibition Ser uma mistura, um desenho, um desejo (To be a mixture, a drawing, a desire) is born from the desire for mixture, from the desire for encounters, natures and the ordinary feelings that run through us. What is your favorite animal? Why do we hug an object while thinking of someone? What drives our desire to build memories on this planet?

Previous Productions

Exhibition Aurelie Nemours Prize 2023

Collective exhibition

Curators: Serge and Marie Sophie Lemoine

13 — 17 September 2023

In 2000, Aurelie Nemours decided to create an annual prize that bears her name. The Aurelie Nemours Prize rewards any artist, regardless of his discipline, whose work pursues the rigorous and spiritual plastic quest that has been his. She wrote: “Thinking that art is a struggle against the disarray of our civilization, I firmly believe that the spiritual charge of art is the only recourse and salvation.” In 2023, two artists will be rewarded: graphic designer Irma Boom and painter Hans-Jörg Glattfelder.

Previous Productions


Benjamin Hochart

Curator: Fabienne Bideaud

April 14, 2023 — September 6, 2023

The Pulp-e project questions the construction of the image, in its reappropriation, in its writing, in its transposition, includes the body, in order to make us wander through possible narratives. The title refers to the specific typology of pulp (popular comics) and the addition of the E proposes a concrete meaning, the pulp. A hybrid title, the exhibition will present several states: scenarios, set elements, films. The popular and folkloric forms taken up and drawn by Benjamin Hochart will go beyond the framework of the sheet of paper and the Drawing Lab will become the theatre of a new narrative whose various scenarios will be activated by the spectator.
