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Composite Route

Artist news


From January 20 to spring 2023

Manufacture Design — Saguez Foundation

6 rue de l'Hippodrome — 94300 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine

+33 (0)1 41 66 64 00

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Press release

“It all started one winter morning, just a year ago, in a house-workshop in Montreuil. The artist Clément Bagot brought us into his universe. With his natural discretion, he gradually revealed his microcosmic works upstairs, to the most monumental on the ground floor. After two hours of conversations, contemplations, passionate exchanges, an artistic friendship was born and we already wanted to share it with you. Throughout 2022, Clément Bagot reflected and worked on a tailor-made exhibition for the Saguez Foundation, based at the Manufacture Design. Inspired both by the architecture of the building slipped into a former industrial hall of the Docks de Saint-Ouen, by his former railway activity and by the interior tropical garden, Clément imagined an intimate and evolving circulation. The multiplicity and heterogeneity of materials in his sculptures invite you to a COMPOSITE ITINERARY. – Olivier Saguez


After Quasar Khanh, Saul Bass, JJ Pigeon and Komut, the Saguez Foundation is pleased to welcome Clément Bagot, an inspiring and emblematic artist from Montreuil in Seine-Saint-Denis. Composite itinerary, an exhibition in place at the Manufacture, until spring 2023. Free admission by reservation.