Ouvert tous les jours de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 

Current and upcoming exhibitions

Current exhibition


Tatiana Wolska

Curator: Marianne Derrien

January 24 — April 20, 2025

Tatiana Wolska’s Belladonna exhibition nestles between the political and the intimate, offering a physical and cognitive experience where drawing merges with sculpture. Witches’ plant, good or magic weed known since ancient times, Belladonna, is both the remedy and the poison reminding us that its use requires subtle handling as well as great knowledge. Through the history of this plant, the exhibition promotes proliferation and dialogue in order to unite the familiar and the strange, lightness and ardor, suggestion and claim.



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