Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h — Entrée libre —  Infos pratiques 
Mardi—Samedi 11h>19h – Gratuit –  Infos pratiques 

Stella Geppert


Stella Geppert

Né en 1967 à Gustedt, en Allemagne

Travaille à Berlin et Halle

« Dans mon esprit, les conversations ont des formes architecturales…»

Stella Geppert  est une sculptrice et une artiste de performance. La sculpture, croit-elle, est un mode d’enquête sur les interrelations entre le corps, l’espace et le mouvement. En mettant l’accent sur l’interaction sociale, elle examine à la fois la communication verbale et non verbale comme un événement sculptural, concevant dans son travail des moyens de brouiller la frontière entre les pratiques de création de formes et les stratégies performatives. « Je considère la création sculpturale comme un processus qui émerge des actions et comportements corporels répandus dans les espaces ainsi que des relations architecturales, qui motivent les mouvements et engendrent des images. »

Expositions personnelles (sélection) :

  • 2024

    COMMUNICATION CAPTURES / NoTTB-c as part of DRAW SPACE – The International Performance Drawing Series, DRAW SPACE, Sydney, Australia

  • 2023

    NoTTB-c / Notations of Touch through Breathing – collectively, HOB NOB#04, Kunstraum Fuge, Berlin / Curated by Patricia Lambertus / art spring berlin

    LA MODULATION SISMOGRAPHIQUE, solo performance as part of SOFT INCIDENT #03, proposed by Lyllie Rouvière and Thomas Laigle in collaboration with Kunsthaus KuLe, Berlin

    IMMERSION (Collective), solo performance as part of SLEEPY POLITICS, Exhibit Galerie, Wien

    LA MODULATION SISMOGRAPHIQUE, premiere (solo), as part of THE FEMININE PRISM: machines, oocytes, threads, potions, curated by Joana P. R. Neves, Drawing Now Art Fair – Le salon du dessin contemporain, 16th edition, Paris

    COMMUNICATION CAPTURES (short version), performance with David Kummer, Lukas Geschwind, Nitsan Margaliot, Lyllie Rouvière, and guests, as part of the exhibition MOTIONS OF MATTER, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin MOTIONS OF MATTER

  • 2022

    SOUNDS FOR THE ORGANS – More-than-human: Music from other species, CHANGING ROOM, curated by Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez https://www.changing-room.com,

    TOWER BREATH BODY MEMBRANE, +359 Galerie, Sofia / Bulgaria https://plus359gallery.com/en/home-2/

    WHEN MOUTH MEETS NOSE – Vocabulary of Empathy, performance with Lyllie Rouvière, Stella Geppert and friends / In der Kleinen Orangerie am Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin

    WHEN MOUTH MEETS NOSE, performance with Lukas Geschwind, Marianne von Werefkin Preis 2022, Galerie Pankow, Berlin

    AXES DE RÉSONNANCE et GÉOGRAPHIES RELATIONELLES, performance with Said El Haddaji, NADAR’ART Festival Danse et Arts visuels, Rabat, Marokko / https://www.goethe.de/ins/ma/de/kul/sup/art.html

  • 2021

    ROUTES OF EMPATHY – on the Emphatic in Art, curatorial project by Stella Geppert supported by Neustart Kultur and Stiftung Kunstfonds, frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin

    HUMAN ELECTRICITY, curated by Almut Cornelia Hüfler, Berlin Art Week, MaHalla, Berlin

    DISPOSITION, Kabinet T. ,Zlín, Czech Republic (together with Ondřej Filípek)

  • 2020

    ORELIA OCTOPUS #01, work in progress about embodied topography in public space, womxnmakingartinpublicspace, Berlin, Germany

    Embodied Notation, Flutgraben Performances – work in progress, Flutgraben, Berlin

    Deborah Hay, USING THE SKY A DANCE, (solo performance), as part of the exhibition NORTH BY NORTHEAST, Deutscher Künstlerbund e.V., Berlin

    InsideT – LEARNING FROM THE BODY, (solo performance), Haunt at frontviews, Berlin

    InsideT – LEARNING FROM THE BODY, (solo performance), Ablutions of the Tongue, The Round Tower, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 2019

    COMMUNICATION CAPTURES (extracts), APA (A Performance Affair), The Second Edition: re:production, Vanderborght Building, Brüssel, Belgien (solo performance including the audience)

    COMMUNICATION CAPTURES, (Premiere), Close Encounters Vol.02, Dansehallerne, DEN FRIE, Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark (participatory choreography)

    NOT SO A WHITE CUBE #14 — FEMALE REBOUNDS, Lage Egal, Berlin, Germany

  • 2018

    MARRAKESH CONVERSATION, Talk about “entre patate et papillon: le changement physique en parlant arabe, français et allemand”, Le 18 and Goethe Institut Marokko, Marrakesch, Marokko (group performance)

    Linking Moments – Point of Emotional Density, Tangency, Osnabrück, Germany (performance in public space)

    Simone Forti, Handbook in Motion, 1974, Körpereinsatz, Kunsthalle der Sparkasse Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany (solo performance)

  • 2017

    TEN SCORES FOR A SCULPTURE, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, Germany (improvisation)

  • 2016

    Everybody´s Darling remember innocence, curated by Simon Kießler and Alexander Sowa, BURG2 Galerie, Halle, Germany

  • 2014

    Buongiorno – You Are Welcome!, Screening, Berlin Art Week, abc, ART-Truck, Berlin, Germany

  • 2012

    Undercover Sculptures, selected by Nina Kretzschmar, kjubh e.V., Köln

  • 2011

    Cross Links, curated by Lutz Henke, Senatsreservenspeicher (Artitude e.V.), Berlin

    Provisional Land, Kunstverein Wolfenbüttel, Wolfenbüttel

    Aufruhr, curated by Stephan Klee, frontviews gallery, Berlin (Catalogue)

  • 2010

    RE:AW:AW:AW:U75, curated by Carla Orthen, Speicher U75, Düsseldorf (C)

  • 2009

    Unabhängig von der Lage, Cuxhavener Kunstverein, Cuxhaven (C)

  • 2008

    ohne hier ohne da, Unten Drunter, Malmö, Schweden

  • 2007

    Bist du da?, curated by Stefanie Böttcher, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Bremen (C)

    Nowhere Is Everywhere, Cluster, Berlin

  • 2006

    Das Rätsel bleibt in seiner Verschiebung am selben Ort, West Germany, Berlin (C) (performative intervention)

    What Is The Difference Between Cooperation And Cooperation, (with Ingo Gerken), Trottoir, Hamburg

  • 2005

    So oder So, L.O.F.T., (with Jens Komossa), curated by Jule Reuter, Berlin

  • 2002

    Standpunkte unterschiedlicher Sichtweisen, performative installation in downtown Solothurn, Switzerland

    Parasitäre Verhältnisse und Dialoge, performative installation at [the Underground Station Alexanderplatz U2, nGbK, Berlin

Expositions collectives (sélection) :

  • 2024

    Wenn die Sirenen heulen – Symptome, Schau Fenster, Berlin

    On Connection, Ephra as part of BERLIN ART WEEK 2024

    After The Dust Settles, Tiger Strikes Astroid / Echo Contemporary Art, Atlanta, USA

    FUKT Magazine presents: Lines, Lost & Found, Berlin

    Collection Nothelfer. Selection of works by the artists of the gallery, Berlin

  • 2023

    THE FEMININE PRISM: machines, oocytes, threads, potions, curated by Joana P. R. Neves, Drawing Now Art Fair – Le salon du dessin contemporain, 16th edition, Paris / Drawing Now – Performance

    MOTIONS OF MATTER Stella Geppert in community with Mahdad Alizadeh, Gerhard Hoehme, László Lakner, Henri Michaux, and Georges Noël, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin / Motions of Matter

    SLEEPY POLITICS – How to learn about conviviality and alternative life forms through sleep“ curated by Francesca Romana Audretsch and Lotti Brockmann, Exhibit Galerie, Vienna / sleepy-politics

    KABINETT, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin

  • 2022


    DRAWING WOW 3, curated by Anna Gille, Philip Loersch, Tim Plamper, Sarah Petersen, Minus Offspace, Vienna / https://www.drawingwow.de

    MARIANNE VON WEREFKIN PREIS 2022, Galerie Pankow, Berlin / marianne-werefkin-preis-ausstellung

    JUBILEE X – The Anniversary Celebration for 10 years of frontviews, Frontviews – HAUNT, Berlin

    NADAR’ART Festival Danse et Arts visuels, Goethe Institut Marokko, Rabat, Marocco / nadarart

    HEAD-TO-HEAD-TO-HEAD, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin / head-to-head-to-head

    TOPIATE, Haunt, Berlin / exhibition

    GULLIVER’S SKETCHBOOK, curated by Ludwig Seyfahrt, KAI 10, ARTHENA FOUNDATION, Düsseldorf /

  • 2021

    INCLUSIVE BREAK – A Time Beside Many Others, curated by Ting ZHANG, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai / China / Project

    CHARTA #2 – Identity and Narration, Frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin, curated by Jan-Philipp Frühsorge, Stephan Klee / Charta

    BODY OF DRAWING, Haus Heidelberg, curated by Hanna Hennenkemper, Ludwig Seyfahrt, Montpellier, France

    ROUTES OF EMPATHY – on the Emphatic in Art, Frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin, curated by Stella Geppert, Berlin / exhibition

    MOVING IMAGES – MOVING BODIES, Institut for Contemporary Art ICA – Sofia (Stella Geppert, Boryana Petkova, and Mina Minov) / moving-images-moving-bodies

    SNITCHES GET STITCHES, Frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin, curated by Stephan Klee, Berlin

    RADICAL ROOMING, re:future Lab, Berlin

  • 2020

    POP UP: INCLUSIVE BREAK at Liu Haisu Art Museum, (in collaboration with Abteilung Kultur und Bildung des Generalkonsulats der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) Shanghai, China

    XL/XS, Vincenz Sala Galerie, Berlin [https://www.vsala.com/xl_xs_livestream.html]

    TWENTYTWENTY – the exhibition, Idea by Nicole Wendel, René Wirths, WEB@ARIA, Berlin

    TRAUMATIC LINES, Vincenz Sala Galerie, Berlin, Germany / traumatic_lines

    CoNTACT, ways of distance & touch, curated by Daniela von Damaros, Haunt at frontviews, Berlin

    MEASURES OF CLOSENESS: A LEXICON OF GESTURES, together with Ofri Cnaani, and Evann Siebens // A4, Southern Africa / Viral Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel Measures-of-Closeness-A-Lexicon-of-Gestures

    PARÉIDOLIE le Salon du Dessin, Dessin vidéographique, curated by Jan-Philipp Frühsorge, Marseille

    WHERE TREES HAVE NUMBERS, curated by Jan-Philipp Fruehsorge, Haunt at frontviews, Berlin

    MEASURES OF CLOSENESS: A LEXICON OF GESTURES, together with Ofri Cnaani, and Evann Siebens, MARIE-LAURE FLEISCH & A PERFORMANCE AFFAIR, Brussels, Belgium

    NORTH BY NORTHEAST, curated by Nicole Wendel, Katja Pudor, Deutscher Künstlerbund e.V., Berlin

    VOR ORT, Burg Galerie im Volkspark, Halle, Germany

    ABLUTIONS OF THE TONGUE, Rundetaarn, curated by Kristina Steinbock, Louise Lassen Iversen, Copenhagen, Denmark / ablutions-of-the-tongue


  • 2019

    BLANK, together with students of my class and Prof. Afroditi Liti, Numismatic Museum, Athens

  • 2018

    TANGENCY, Stadtverortungen (urban municipalities), concept (Prof. Dirk Matzke) and curated by Elisabeth Lumme, Dirk Matzke, Tim Rossberg, Hase29, Osnabrück, Germany

    KÖRPEREINSATZ, concept by Prof. Michaela Schweiger, Kunsthalle der Sparkasse Leipzig, Germany / koerpereinsatz

    POWER PLANT, with Antonia Low and Tina Maria Nielsen, curated by Henrik Broch-Lips, KUNSTHAL Nord, Aalborg, Denmark / power-plant

    NOSS NOSS / Gemischtes Doppel, #4. Langues. Signes, curated by Katrin Ströbel, Le 18 and Goethe Institut Marokko, Marrakesch, Marokko

  • 2017

    WANTED DUCHAMPS 3, curated by Pierre Granoux, LAGE EGAL, Berlin

    TRAGECTORIES #01 / #02, New Drawing Embodiments_, Performance Night on Drawing and Choreography, curated by Nicole Wendel and Jan-Philipp Fruehsorge, Haus am Lützowplatz / Drawing HUB, Berlin

    Screening and Artist Talk, curated by Stephan Klee, Goethe Institute, Athens, Greece

  • 2016

    IDIOPOLIS, Dialectics between subject and society, #2, curated by Stephan Klee, State Of Concept, Athens, Greece / exhibition/idiopolis

    NEVER SHOWN ON PURPOSE, curated by Hannah Beck-Mannagetta and Ulrich Vogl, CIRCLE1 Gallery, Berlin / exhibition

  • 2015

    MOVEMENTS TOWARDS FORMATION, curated by Michaela Zimmermann, frontviews temporary at Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin

    BURG:100 Professoren und Professorinnen der Burg aus Kunst und Design, curated by Dr. Jule Reuter, Burg Galerie im Volkspark, Halle an der Saale

    FORTH UNDER SKIP DOWN, curated by Stephan Klee, frontviews temporary at Leipziger Strasse 63, Berlin

  • 2014

    ART-Truck – Kunst vor Orten, curated by Bettina Springer, LES PROCHAINES, Berlin

    per faltung ins gebiet (in collaboration with students of my class), Halle

    Die Kunst der Intervention II, curated by Uwe Jonas, Galerie im Ratskeller, Berlin-Lichtenberg

  • 2013

    »Idiopolis« dialectics between subject and society, curated by Stephan Klee, frontviews temporary in cooperation with REMAP 4, Athens, Greece

  • 2012

    .move forward, Werkleitz, (in collaboration with students of my class and guests), Halle (C)

    LE TRAC, Cube, Berlin

    Slide Show, frontviews temporary, Athen, Greece

    Ab in die Ecke, curated by Annett Reckert, Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Delmenhorst (C)

  • 2011

    BITS & PIECES, Editionen, Artitude, Berlin

    Solo II, Ozean, Berlin

    Eure Sache, Zoete-Broodjes, Amsterdam

    UferHallen Kunstaktien, Uferhallen, Berlin

    Art Entertainment & Desire, Keck-Kiosk, Basel / Kunstverein weisses haus, Vienna, Österreich

    Stay Hungry, Kleingartenkolonie am Potsdamer Güterbahnhof, Berlin

    Drawings Wall, Gallery Paolo Maria Deanesi, Rovereto, Italien

    TM No.20, Tape Modern, Berlin

  • 2010

    Plakatieren verboten, Kunstverein weisses haus, Vienna, Österreich

    L’unico / the Only One, Trieste Contemporanea, Triest, Italy (C)

    Statics and the Movement In Between, frontviews gallery, Berlin

    Rückkopplungen/ Kunst und Lebenswirklichkeiten, 6. Berlin Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin

  • 2009

    Zeigen, project of Karin Sander, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin (C)

    It’s About Time, Skulpturi DK, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

    Kat 4, Gallery Box, Göteborg, Schweden

  • 2007

    Capital, curated by Caroline Lund, Lund, Schweden (C)

    Biwako Biennale 2007, Omihachiman, Japan (C)

    die Tür für eine andere Zukunft öffnen, Neues Problem, Berlin

    Hardboiled Suburb, Cluster, Berlin

    Clusterhotel, Cluster, Berlin (C)

  • 2005

    Kreisis, Galerieeigenesschlafzimmer, Berlin

    Vorabzug, Cluster, Galerieraum, Berlin

  • 2004

    Skulpturen X, GEHAG – Forum, Berlin

  • 2003

    Settings#1, loop – raum für aktuelle Kunst, Berlin

    Das Atmen Der Stadt, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin (C)

  • 2002

    Junge Werkstatt, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (C)